Saturday, January 30, 2021

Chapter 2 ~ Abundance

  1. What are some of the messages of scarcity that you receive on a daily basis?
  2. How does your family practice gratitude and generosity?
  3. How does your faith community embody the "liturgy of abundance"?  Or if your church lives in a pattern of scarcity, what language or practices might begin to change that pattern?
  4. What is your favorite biblical story of abundance?  What does it teach you about living generously?
The overview of More than Words is found here.  The photo above shows Snoopy and his little pal rather than Clawdia, my cat who refused to pose for me.  Maybe she'll do it next time.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Chapter 1 ~ Compassion: Love in Action

  1. What passion does your child possess that could be nurtured into an active compassion?  What passions of your own could be focused outward?
  2. When have you heard "love" expressed in a way that might not be very loving in spirit?  How might you reframe that perspective and shape it into something more life-giving?
  3. Where do you meet your greatest challenge to compassionate living?
  4. How does your church, family, or local community engage in acts of compassion?  Do you see evidence of this practice or activity in the world around you?
The overview of More than Words is found here.  The photo above shows the author at a bookstore.

More than Words ~ by Erin Wathen

More than Words: 10 Values for the Modern Family ~ by Erin Wathen, 2017, relationships
The values we live and raise our families by are grounded, first, in love.  Contrary to many of today's so-called family values, our values go beyond one or two loaded social issues to a wholehearted lifestyle of practicing compassion, hospitality, justice, peace, and belonging.

This book articulates ten values that forward-thinking, openhearted people want to embody in their lives and pass on to their children.  With practical ideas and thought-provoking questions, this book inspires families to live more intentionally, engage their communities, and make a difference in the world.
Click each chapter to find the discussion questions:

2.  Abundance: The Root of Gratitude and Generosity
7.  Community: The Art of Neighboring
8.  Forgiveness: The Daily Bread of Relationships
9.  Equality: Made in God's Image
10. Authenticity: Being Who You Are

* Erin Wathen's website, including her Home and Holler blog.