Tuesday, October 9, 2007

OSB ~ prologue

Bonnie said...

1. How were you affected by the novel’s prologue? What did you discover about Arthur and Jake in this scene?
Shirley's answers provided excellent words to describe the two: Arthur was faithful and reliable, while Jake was rambunctious. (I love that word, rambunctious!) I would add that Jake seemed to have a mean streak ... he enjoyed getting Arthur in trouble. I thought I would like Jake, the smart one, but discovered Arthur may have been slow in school, yet was a good person.
2. How would you answer the questions that conclude the prologue? Was Jake surprised because he had never considered the possibility that he might be a less-than-perfect shot? Did he have that much confidence in himself, that little self-doubt? Or was he merely surprised at how easy it was to give in to an impulse, and carry through the thought that lay in your mind? Simply to do whatever you wanted to do, and damn the consequences.
Jake, it seemed to me, always did whatever it crossed his mind to do ... and damn the consequences. It's what got him in trouble later, at the bridge.
3. What accounts for the differences between those who follow the rules, like Arthur, and those who defy them?
4. Which came more easily for you as an adolescent: obedience or defiance?
My answers to #3 and #4 kind of go together. I'm coming to believe that my name (Bonnie means "good") and my birth order (first of four children) conspired to make me who I was as a child and teenager ... I was constantly implored to set a good example: "You should know better! You are the oldest!" And I always tried to be good ... didn't always succeed, God knows, but I tried. So I was smart enough to be conniving like Jake, but also trying hard to be good like Arthur.
[NOTE: Simrit, this is the kind of answer you can provide, even though you don't have the book.]


caboose said...

Who am I?

The memories come back sharply when I think of what crossed my mind as a kid. My impulse was to defy the rules and damn the consequences. As a teenager I learned quickly to pick reliable friends very cautiously, because trouble may follow us. Even today I have women in my life that I respect enough to tell me the truth, even if it hurts my spirit about what they think, I still ask the questions. I have written many thank you notes over the years when reaction would have created chaos for me. A good example of damn the consequences would be credit cards, buy now pay later.

Jennifer said...

A bit of foreshadowing in your answer to question 2 to peak interest in what's to occur in the book. Nicely done =^)