Monday, December 10, 2007

CCF ~ genealogy

I hope there's nothing here that would be a spoiler, but with all these characters it seemed like a good idea to share this chart. Click on it to enlarge it.


Shelley said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I tried to make a tree but decided it hurt my brain too much. Some things weren't clear to me that are now.

caboose said...

Oh thank goodness for help with putting people in some sort of order. Have had bronchitis with head stuffiness for weeks, maybe genealogy of CCF will help both...LOL

Shirley said...

This was great! Thanks for sharing this.

Do you have a software program for family trees? I try to sketch out relationships in some of the books I read as it does help me make connections.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

No, Shirley, I found this chart online. I didn't say where because of the spoilers, but I will share the URL later.