Friday, February 27, 2015

23. Jesus and the Multitudes (We Make the Road by Walking)


1.  What one thought or idea from today's lesson especially intrigued, provoked, disturbed, challenged, encouraged, warmed, warned, helped, or surprised you?

2.  Share a story about a time when you felt like one of the multitude, or when you behaved like one of the Pharisees.

3.  How do you respond to the stories of Jesus engaging with "the multitudes" and the Pharisees in this chapter?

4.  Think of someone who is not popular or who seems to have few friends.  What do you think that person would want others to do for him or her?


5.  Make an opportunity to spend time with some member of "the multitude."


6.  Think of some group of people you normally turn away from.  Imagine them, in silence, and repeat these words:  "They are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."  Notice what happens to your heart as you do so.

We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation ~ by Brian D. McLaren, 2014

Thursday, February 12, 2015

22. Jesus the Teacher (We Make the Road by Walking)


1.  What one thought or idea from today's lesson especially intrigued, provoked, disturbed, challenged, encouraged, warmed, warned, helped, or surprised you?

2.  Share a story about one of the most important teachers in your life and what made him or her so significant.

3.  How do you respond to the explanation of the term kingdom of God?  How would you translate it into words or images that make sense today?

4.  What makes a good teacher so good?  Who is one of your favorite teachers?


5.  This week, notice where you seek and find aliveness.  Relate that thirst for aliveness to the kingdom of God.


6.  Choose one of the synonyms for kingdom of God from this chapter and simply hold it in silence for a few moments.  Conclude the silence with these words:  "Let it come."

We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation ~ by Brian D. McLaren, 2014